Gute Idee Gummy! Ich hab grad in der TV-Zeitung gelesen, dass heute bei CSI:Miami Tim Speedle wieder auftaucht. Ich dachte, der wäre längst tot??? *verwirrtguck* Glaubt ihr, er ist nur eine Halluzination von Eric, oder ist er wirklich noch am Leben? Ich kenn ihn zwar nur vom Hörensagen, aber das würd mich jetzt doch mal interessieren. lg, Isi =)
Hmm..Das würde mich allerdings auch mal interessieren. Ich dachte auch bisher, dass Speed tot ist.*am kopf kratz* SMILEE! Du kennst dich doch da aus - erklär mal!
Zitat von gummibaerchen12345Hmm..Das würde mich allerdings auch mal interessieren. Ich dachte auch bisher, dass Speed tot ist.*am kopf kratz* SMILEE! Du kennst dich doch da aus - erklär mal!
Speed ist auch tot. Eric hat "Halluzinationen", bedingt durch das Fragment in seinem Kopf, die Nervenzellen knüpfen neue Verbindungen - das kann aber medikamentös verhindert werden.
Und Cooper setzt Speeds Kreditkarte ein. Er wollte nur mal in den Schrank des "ehemaligen Supergenies" schauen und hat zufällig die Kreditkarte gefunden, die noch ein Guthaben von 200 $ aufwies. Geschenktes Geld, wie Cooper fand.
Jetzt nicht mehr Bhelial! Danke schön! Ich habe die Folge gestern leider nicht gesehen, da mein Freund da war und an unserem Auto gebastelt hat...Also vielen lieben Dank!
Sagt mal, habt ihr schon gehört, dass Horatio angeschossen wird - Fortsetzung unbekannt???? Stellt euch mal vor der steigt aus....boah, ich will nicht wissen, wie die Fans da abdrehen. Ich mag CSI zwar auch, aber ich würd nicht unbedingt sagen, ich bin Fan. Was für ein Albtraum...das gibt sicher nen Aufstand von epischen Ausmaßen...hihi lg, Isi =)
Season 6: Episode 21: Going Ballistic While investigating the death of Manny Ortega, who fell to his death from a five story building, the medical examiner notices that our victim gasped for air. Seeing this play out our killer thought Manny wasn’t dead and wanted to make sure of it so he unloaded his guns on our team killing the medical examiner and sending Horatio and Delko for cover. A shell casing in the nearby parking lot lead us to Brad Gower, a munitions dealer who sold to the government. Ron Saris (Julia’s boyfriend) is also brought in for questioning when a recent burn injury on his neck from a malfunctioned gun triggers suspicion. Calleigh’s lab goes up in flames when one of the bullets discharges exposing a rare and deadly alloy bullet not publicly sold. In the end we learn that Manny was shopping for interested buyers and Brad as well as Ron Saris were on that list. Brad was about to meet Manny when he suspected that he was being set up by the feds and backed Manny into a corner forcing him to jump to his death. While transporting Brad into custody he’s shot and killed with an alloy bullet by an unseen car. Afraid for Julia and his son Kyle’s life, Horatio tells them they need to get out town for a while. Manny's brother, Julia Ortega, is revealed to be behind all the alloy bullets up for trade and in order to avenge his brother’s death he recruited one of Brad’s disgruntled employees to kill Brad. While waiting for Julia and Kyle to meet him at an airstrip Horatio is shot.
Season 7: Episode 01: Resurrection We pick up from where we left off in Season 6 with Horatio being shot as the team comes to grips with his death. Juan Ortega, a known munitions dealer selling rare fused alloy bullets, had recently put a hit on Horatio. Ortega makes his way to Ron Saris' house and beats him. An Emitter used to manipulate the traffic light signal that set up armored robbery is mysteriously linked to ATF agent Jake Berkeley. Jake has been working undercover detail with the Crypts Kings and provides Calleigh with some useful intelligence at the expense blowing his cover. Ortega and Saris were in business together but once Ortega was put in jail Saris maneuvered to take over the business which didn’t sit well with Ortega. Ortega is eventually tracked down loading money onto a helicopter but the fused alloy bullets are no where to be found. In the end, we discover that Ron Saris orchestrated the armored car robbery and killed the driver. Horatio uses Julia to set Ron up and we end with a standoff on a yacht that happens to be loaded with all the fused alloy bullets. The yacht blows up when Horatio shoots and misses Saris, hitting a propane tank. However, when combing the wreckage, they find no trace of Saris' remains.
Zitat von k11suisseSeason 6: Episode 21: Going Ballistic While investigating the death of Manny Ortega, who fell to his death from a five story building, the medical examiner notices that our victim gasped for air. Seeing this play out our killer thought Manny wasn’t dead and wanted to make sure of it so he unloaded his guns on our team killing the medical examiner and sending Horatio and Delko for cover. A shell casing in the nearby parking lot lead us to Brad Gower, a munitions dealer who sold to the government. Ron Saris (Julia’s boyfriend) is also brought in for questioning when a recent burn injury on his neck from a malfunctioned gun triggers suspicion. Calleigh’s lab goes up in flames when one of the bullets discharges exposing a rare and deadly alloy bullet not publicly sold. In the end we learn that Manny was shopping for interested buyers and Brad as well as Ron Saris were on that list. Brad was about to meet Manny when he suspected that he was being set up by the feds and backed Manny into a corner forcing him to jump to his death. While transporting Brad into custody he’s shot and killed with an alloy bullet by an unseen car. Afraid for Julia and his son Kyle’s life, Horatio tells them they need to get out town for a while. Manny's brother, Julia Ortega, is revealed to be behind all the alloy bullets up for trade and in order to avenge his brother’s death he recruited one of Brad’s disgruntled employees to kill Brad. While waiting for Julia and Kyle to meet him at an airstrip Horatio is shot.
Puuh, ich habe diese Szene zufällig auf "Youtube" gefunden...*sich immer noch schüttelt und ein eiskaltes den Rücken runterlauf* Die war soooo dramatisch. Und ich habe auch noch gedacht - Nee, oder??? Und nu?
Aber ich glaube nicht, dass David Caruso aussteigt. Die wissen ganz genau, dass CSI Miami nicht mehr CSI Miami mit Horatio Caine ist. Ich würde die Serie wahrscheinlich schon weiterschauen, aber immer mit dem Hinterfragen - Was hätte Horatio getan?
LOS ANGELES (AP) - William Petersen is leaving "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation," a move that might have fans of his brainy crimebuster Gil Grissom screaming bloody murder.
Petersen has agreed to return for occasional guest appearances and will remain a "CSI" executive producer but his run as an original cast member will end this coming season, executive producers Carol Mendelsohn and Naren Shankar said Tuesday.
The air date for his final episode, the season's 10th, has yet to be determined but probably will be at the beginning of 2009, the producers said. The series debuted in fall 2000.
A number of familiar characters will return in the episodes building up to Grissom's departure, among them his former colleague and flame Sara Sidle, played by Jorja Fox; the Miniature Killer and sexy Lady Heather.
"Who better to turn to when you're a scientist in crisis," Mendelsohn said jokingly of Heather (Melinda Clarke).
The decision to leave was Petersen's, the producers said, declining further comment. A call to Petersen's publicist was not returned Tuesday.
The actor had taken a break during the 2006-07 season to perform in a play, with Liev Schreiber stepping in as a visiting investigator.
The long-running show remains key for CBS: "CSI" finished last season as the network's top-rated series, ranking No. 9 among all shows with an average weekly audience of 17 million. Spinoffs "CSI: Miami" and "CSI: New York" ranked 16th and 28th, respectively.
"CSI" is ready to deal with Petersen's loss, its producers said.
"Shows lucky enough to go this long inevitably have to deal with this kind of change," Shankar told The Associated Press.
A new male investigator will join "CSI," a role that has yet to be cast.
The producers were mum about specific plot points but said that Grissom will be reappraising his life after years of high-tech forensics investigations with the Las Vegas Police Department and after facing personal turmoil.
"We're talking about a man who has suffered a great deal of loss recently... A man thinking about the next phase of his life," Shankar said.
It's wrong to characterize it as a mid-life crisis, which summons the image of someone who buys a Porsche as a solution, Shankar and Mendelsohn said; Grissom is confronting far deeper issues.
"It's Grissom in transition and Grissom asking 'Who am I?'" Mendelsohn said.
Besides, Shankar said, Petersen wouldn't buy a sports car.
"Billy would only buy a Prius," the producer said.
Shankar and Mendelsohn vowed that cast changes won't change "CSI."
"What makes shows go off the rails is they forget who they are. We're a crime-mystery-forensics drama" with a focus on exceptional cases, Shankar said.
"Whoever comes in and joins the team after Grissom is going to be a different guy. But the nature of the show and what fans get out of it, that's not going to change," he said.
Petersen, in his role as executive producer, viewed "CSI" as a show about the "quiet heroics" of working people, Shankar said. That will remain true, with no new soap-opera twists or "jumping into bed."
Schock für alle CSI-Fans William Petersen verlässt die Serie Nach dem Abschied von Jorja Fox in der Rolle der Sara Sidle, gibt es nun einen weiteren Schock für alle CSI-Fans: Diversen amerikanischen Medienberichten zufolge, steigt „CSI: Den Tätern auf der Spur“- Hauptdarsteller William Petersen in der zehnten Staffel der Serie aus.
Die Fans können jedoch aufatmen: Petersens Ausstieg bedeutet nicht, dass die Zuschauer komplett auf den beliebten Schauspieler in der Rolle des Ermittlers Gil Grissom verzichten müssen. William Petersen wird dem CSI-Team weiterhin erhalten bleiben. Er wird zwar zunächst hinter den Kulissen als Produzent arbeiten, doch sobald CBS ihn bittet, wird er dem Team als Darsteller wieder zur Verfügung stehen.
Seine Entscheidung habe nichts damit zu tun habe, dass er in seiner Rolle unglücklich gewesen sei, beteuert der Schauspieler. Ganz im Gegenteil. Er möchte jedoch mehr mit den Autoren und Machern der Serie hinter der Kamera arbeiten.
Wiedersehen mit Jorja Fox Neben dem Ausstieg von William Petersen und Jorja Fox, verlässt auch Gary Dourdan die Erfolgsserie. Damit verliert „CSI: Den Tätern auf der Spur“ das dritte Mitglied der Original-Besetzung. Diese Schauspieler könne man nicht einfach ersetzen, teilt Produzentin Carol Mendelsohn mit. Deswegen werden neue Figuren eingeführt und die Serie wird sich dadurch insgesamt verändern.
Dass ein Ausstieg nicht gleich das Ende der Rolle bedeutet, beweist Jorja Fox in der neunten CSI-Staffel. Da gibt es nämlich schon ein Wiedersehen mit Sara Sidle – und das sogar in mehreren Folgen. Auch wenn sich die deutschen Fans gedulden müssen, ein schönes Trostpflaster ist die Nachricht allemal