That's great, Sugar! I'm i good mood myself We'd achieved a tie agaist Galatasaray It was a great game!! And the new home is SOOOOOOO big, you need 5 minutes from point A to point B But it looks great!
I'll learn french at the end of this year And next summer it's spanish again
Zitat von gummibaerchen12345 May I correct your post? I don't wanna seem smug or wanna be arrogant, I just wanna help you, ok?
Thanks gummy, but when I talk with someone in english, there are many words I don't know. Before Mandy had written /Past perfect - hatte geschrieben) the 'Lernstandserhebung' we wrote/We've written in english via ICQ. It was very funny.
I hope you're not mad at me...
Hey gummi,
may i give you a short advise? In English it is better to write in long forms and not the short ones like "We've" or "don't" It is we have and do not.
'll take every advise gladly, Bhelial. But could you tell me why the long forms are better? I know a couple of american people and they write all the time like this: We've don't etc...Not that it matters - whether short or long, it means the same in the end
Zitat von gummibaerchen12345And I prefer the AE*laugh* And I learnd the short writing in school... I think both are understandable. But thanks for your answer!
I have got just a little remark on that topic. I spoke with different people to refresh my mind. Long forms should be used in special written forms like essays and so on. In computer mails or private mail you could choose both forms of writing.
Zitat von gummibaerchen12345And I prefer the AE*laugh* And I learnd the short writing in school... I think both are understandable. But thanks for your answer!
I have got just a little remark on that topic. I spoke with different people to refresh my mind. Long forms should be used in special written forms like essays and so on. In computer mails or private mail you could choose both forms of writing.
That's quite correct, Bhelial I had a talk with my teacher at the university and she told me the same. Because I was a little bit unsure...But never mind - I love to learn!
@Zimti: What rubbish! You must have a reason why you hate french! The grammar, the country, the teacher?
See, that's an answer I can live with*laugh* I hated my frenchteacher as well...She was an old hag! But I love languages, so I didn't let her get me down! Maybe you and I can learn together?