That's quite correct, Bhelial I had a talk with my teacher at the university and she told me the same. Because I was a little bit unsure...But never mind - I love to learn!
I think this is something called "Lifelong learning", but you are right. So we both checked if our point of view has been right. It is sometimes hard to remember all these little fine things you learned in school, when you do your Allday work.
I cha änglisch, dütsch, schwiizerdütsch, es ziitli hani sogar rätoromanisch verstande, französisch (au wenn nid würklech guet) u jo es paar wörtli Russisch (wott aber na meh lehre)
Oh, foreign laguages! Great! I think I`m in heaven. What languages do I speak? Well...German, of course, English, a little bit Spanish (still learning and not having fun with it, actually) and some Russian words you don`t want me to repeat. *smirk* I don`t like French, either. I had two opportunities to learn it, both times I said: "No, thanks" and did something else. Now I´m stuck with Spanish and the tenses are hard enough to learn. Try to learn a whole new language in one year with the goal of learning as much as you did in eight years of English. *sigh* But, oh well, I`ve only got to survive one year and a few months and then I hope I won`t have to suffer through that again. Isi =) Ps: @Bhelial: I think it`s called "everyday´s work" and not "allday work"...but I might be mistaken.
I went to a jobinterview yesterday and my hopefully-soon-to-be-boss called me a language junky*laugh* 'Cause I wrote in my Resumeé that I love english, spain and france. Well...I keep my fingers crossed that they hire me...
Ramona: Yo estoy muy bien (correct time and verb?? Not sure...) Y tu? Como estas?I
Back to english;) My jobinterview went really well...this is allready my second week I'm working*grin* It's wonderfull, but not so exciting...But I had had enough action for a while*grin*
Maybe next year I'm going back to the eventsecurity (don't know if there is an equal word to 'Veranstalltungsschutz' in English...)...Back where the action is...Back to soccergames, perhaps, parties, concerts and stuff.*grin*
My English teacher always tell me that I have a very very good pronunciation and my friends tell me that too. But I don't know. But when they say that....